Do I Need a DBA for My Website?

October 20, 2022
DBA for Website

Needing a DBA for your website depends on how you’re using your website’s domain name.

If you’re only using it as a URL for your company’s website, no DBA filing is required. But if you’re using your website’s domain in other aspects of your business, then you’ll most likely need a DBA for it.

There may also be other situations involving your company’s website address where you’ll want to consider options that don’t involve creating a DBA.

When do I Need to File a DBA for a Website Domain?

You need to file a DBA when you’re using your website domain in other contexts besides just a website URL. For example, let’s say your business is officially registered as Acme Design, LLC. But when you tried registering “” and other variations, those domain names were already taken. As a result, you ended up establishing your website address as “”

If the only time you use the name “” or “Smith Design LLC” is with your domain name, you do not have to file a DBA for it. But if you use that name in your marketing materials, social media accounts, advertising and so on, then you would need to register a DBA for your website domain.

When Does my Domain Name Need to Match my Business Name?

It doesn’t. You can create any domain you want, as long as it hasn’t been taken by someone else. Many businesses want their website’s domain to match (or closely match) their business name, but it’s not a requirement. But as mentioned above, it’s okay to have a website domain that doesn’t match your business’ official name, but only if you don’t use the website domain to carry out your business. Once you begin using your online domain address as if it were your business name, you’ll need to register it as a DBA.

An alternative to registering your domain name as a DBA is to change your business’ official name to match your domain name.

If My Business Has Multiple Domains - Do I Need a DBA for Each One?

No, you do not. But if you want to use any of those domains as if they were your business’ official name, you need a DBA for the domain you use to operate your business.

For instance, let’s assume your business’ official name is Mary’s Consulting Solutions, and your business has the following domains:


The first domain can be used however you want, wherever you want, without getting a DBA for it. The second and third domains only need DBAs if you use them to advertise, when communicating with clients, or any other notable aspect of your business’ operations. If a domain is only used as a domain address, a DBA is not required.

Think of a domain as a mailing address. No business is required to register a DBA as “123 Park Ave.” simply because that’s the business’ physical address. 

Can a DBA protect my website’s name?

No, it cannot. The only way to protect a website’s name from others legally taking it is by registering it with a registrar. Simply getting a DBA that’s the same as your website’s URL won’t stop someone else from using the URL if you didn’t properly register it with a domain registrar. Getting a DBA also won’t stop hackers or scammers from trying to steal your domain or take control of it.

Sometimes, others might indirectly try to get your domain name by registering domain names that are very similar to yours. So if your business domain is “” other people might try to register, “” or “”

One way to prevent this is to register your domain name and company name as a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Doing this may prevent others from utilizing domain names similar to your domain name or identical to your business’ name.

Another option is to preemptively register those alternative domain names so you own and control them before someone else can.


You’re not required to get a DBA for a website domain. But you might need to if your domain name is different from the official name of your business and you’re referring to your business using its domain name. Also, if you already have a domain name and want to protect others from using it, filing a DBA for it won’t help.

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